Monday 16 November 2009

Modernity and Modernism - Lecture notes (week 1)

Key words:
Modern, positive, improve, progress, urbanisation, quick, fast, shift from slow to fast, great affluence.

Key points:
1760 - 1960 "The modernist Project".
Project of the new, better (better buildings).
William Holman Hunt (1851) The Hireling Shepherd - modern but not modernist (traditional still exists in modern era).
Paris 1900'2 was "first" modern city - most advanced city in terms of modernity.
!889 - Paris invited the world to show off how modern their city was becoming. Eiffel Tower was built not to be aesthetically pleasing but to show off their improving industrial ways.
It was about urbanisation - shift from the country to the city, factory work replaced rural work.
Changes in communication - people had more opportunity to meet new people in the cities, telephone invented.
1912 - world time was standardised - due to public transport timetables and factory clocking in and out.
People were reaching a state of "enlightenment" - scientific / philosophical thinking made leaps and bounds and people started to reject God. Religion thrown out for science. "SECULARISATION".
The city starts to become a product of new culture.
Caillebotte (impressionist) "Paris on a rainy day" 1877.
One of the first art movements to start using the city as a focal point of the painting - more about experience of the everyday rather than focusing on the people.

"Haussmanisation" - redesigns Paris (Haussman) - created large boulevards rather than narrow streets - a form of social control - easier to police.
There now becomes a "society of distinction" / alienation, - class division and the "new sport" is to parade the streets - displaying wealth. Fashion becomes a signifier of status.
Chirat - new painting techniques - colour complementing dots - new science of optics.
Spare time is becoming "controlled" - revolves around work.
Degas - L'Absinthe (1876)

looks like a photograph - photography is invented.
Subjective experience - of individual in modern world. Start to come close to understanding modern art and experience of modernity.
Alfred Stieglitz - Flat iron building 1903 - built after modern for the modern - built around grids - rational, logical. Skyscrapers - man made replacing the natural - new views - news ways of experiencing the world.
Paul Citroen - Metropolis (1923) - one point perspective was beginning to be abandoned and explored.
Bombarded by information - media becomes an important figure in society.

Modernism in design.
Anti - historicism - attempts not to look back on the past, not repeating styles
True to materils - let them speak for themselves - want it to look industrial.
Form follows function. Aesthetic comes out of how successfully the product works.
Internationalism - mutual language - everyone understands the skyscraper
Bauhaus - most progressive art school. Concrete on building - speaks for iteself, big windows, easier to make now due to new technology.
Bauhaus logo - Futura - sans serif - modern typography.
New Materials.
Plastics ,glass, concrete, aluminium, new technology for steel.
Mass Production
Products made quickly.
Cheaper - more widely accessible products.

Skyscraper - epitimy of modernism - geometric - rational not decorative.
Le Corbusier "Plan Voisin" 1927
everyone being equal - having their own space. (Not built)

Underground map - Harry Beck 1933

good example of internationalism and modernist design.
Herbert Bayer - pioneer of sans serif typeface - argued not to get rid of capitals.

Modern - not a neutral term 0 suggests novelty and improvement.
"Modernity" (1750 - 1960) - social and cultural experience.
"Moderism" Range of ideas and styles that sprang from modernity.

Importance of modernism
-Vocabulary of styles.
-Art and deisng education.
-Idea of form follows function.

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